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The Life of I cover image

The Life of I, by Anete Konste

Regular price €5.00

The book "Life of I." is a part of the publicity campaign "#iamintrovert". For more than a year the comics about two introverted writers were regularly published on the "Latvian Literature" pages on social networks, while this April the printed edition was recognized at the London Book Fair.

In the book, the I. goes to a festival, celebrates the summer solstice, joins a gym, dreams and experiences love. The characters of the introverted authors live not only in comics but also in other communication materials of the campaign. They appear on invitations, beer labels and even on the restroom walls at the London Book Fair. "I. and I. personify all those peculiarities and characteristics which were previously considered to be shameful and better to hide.

Through the self–irony and honesty they have become relatable and give the introverts a reason to be proud of themselves. In my opinion, it is spectacularly wonderful. And the world appreciates that as well," says Una Rozenbauma, the creative director of the "#iamintrovert" campaign.