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The Untilled Field, by George Moore

The Untilled Field, by George Moore

Regular price €12.00 Sale price €5.00

Bubbling with enthusiasm for the revival of Gaelic in Ireland, George Moore suggested to the Gaelic League that it should publish a translation of a modern work that children might study in school and that artists might imitate and so begin a new tradition of Gaelic Literature.

 It was a sensible idea that was delayed at first for want of agreement within the League over a suitable text. Spurred on by his friends, Moore himself then set about writing some tales of Irish life for this end. They were translated by Taidgh O'Donohue and published in 1902 in the New Ireland Review.

Later a collection of these and more stories appeared under the title An T-Úr-Gort, Sgéalta; a version of this, reworked by Moore in English as The Untilled Field, followed in 1903. It proved subsequently the one of his works that pleased Moore best for its affectionate portraits of Irish rural life.

The book is one of the richest and most perfectly written of his works and the depth of feeling that went into its composition is evident throughout. This new printing of the text of the 1931 edition also contains the texts of In the Clay  and The Way Back  which Moore omitted from that edition. It has an Introduction by Richard Allen Cave.